Sunday 30 June 2013


          Assalamualaikum, hye guys we meet again! Today i want to write about football. Actually I love watch football especially when Malaysian got a match. I usually watch Malaysian football. I still remember at 21 November 2011 when Harimau Muda A won football at SEA GAME 2011 and I'm proud with them. That time we got a match with Indonesia. The game be held at Stadium Garuda, Indonesia. After 120 minutes we got a same score 1-1. So it's must decide by penalty kick. It's quiet nervous when I watch the penalty kick. Our penalty kick represent by Mahali Jasuli, Fandi Othman, Fakri Saarani, Fadhli Shas anf Badrrol Baktiar. Unfortunately, Fakri Saarani kick do not goal. Baddrol Baktiar is final our hope when we got same score penalty kick. At the end we won when Baddrol Baktiar scored. Hore! Hore! I super duper happy that time. They coach Ong Kim Swee really make Malaysian proud of our younger player. I hope in future we have a lot player football for our sport and country. MAKE MALAYSIAN PROUD ONE DAY!

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