Saturday 19 October 2013

Stay Strong

Suddenly I remember, one of my friends had through the things that she does not want. She like that guy and base what I see, he love my friend. When she story to me, I can understand. I found one paper at her room when I was at her house and she was write like this:

Did you remember every times you text me, you will say that you really miss me and I don’t say that I also miss you but inside my heart I miss you more than you miss me. But when that day comes, you suddenly changed. Suddenly you say to me to forget all about you. I really confused that time. I ask myself, did he really love me?

You say for this time being we just a FRIEND. Are kidding to me? I remember that words you say “we are not for each other.” I was cry so badly at that time. One week I really don’t have good mood. I'm really moody.

Day by day I try to forget you. When I can forget all about you slowly, suddenly your names appear at my phone. Actually what you want from me? That time you said “I'm really sorry, I do not mean it.” It was really easy you said like that. You do not what I have to through, every night I was cry, and I hope the next morning you will text me. Now it is too late. I believe I can found someone better than you.

I was cry when I read this. She was strong through that. She taught me to be strong. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left.  You are so much stronger than you think. Better things is coming.

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