Friday 30 August 2013


The sound of the kompang are often heard at local functions especially at Malay weddings, at events to welcome VIP guests.

Kompang is a traditional hand drum played in groups using interlocking movements to produce various composite rhythms. it is played with legs crossed when sitting, while standing or walking during processions with players using one hand to hold the drum and the other to strike it.

Originating from the Middle East, this instrument was brought to the country during the days of the Malay Sultanate by Indian Muslim traders and through Java in the 13th century by Arabic traders and missionaries. in the early days, kompang was known as rebana, which is drum in Arabic. The Malay word kompang loosely translated means 'to hit or beat'. some kompang groups have the jidor or the Javanese drum in the ensemble.

Kompang also used to accompany choral singing or zikir or Selawat Nabi (praises to Prophet Muhammad) but now it is also featured in rock songs and joget numbers.

The size of kompang varies from 30 to 43 centimeters. The shallow wooden frame of the drum is made of leban wood which is light and goat hide is nailed to the frame using metal nails. Cowhide is not suitable as it is ticker and it does not produce the desired sound when struck. Previously, kompang was totally made by hand from the shallow frame to the nailing but now producers are machines for the frame, making the job much easier. 

                                              This is kompang.

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